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María de Ibarrola

María de Ibarrola

Professor and Researcher, Cinvestav 3E,
Department of Educational Research, Center for Research and Advanced Studies, Mexico

Bio and Research Interest

Born in Mexico City, she studied Sociology in the Faculty of Political Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Obtained a Master’s Degree in Sociology in the University of Montreal, P.Q. Canada, and a Doctor’s in Science degree (Educational Research) at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Mexico. 

She has been a National Researcher since 1984, in the highest Rank since 1993.

Her career in Educational Research allowed her to work as an educational researcher ( and learn to do so by experience )  in  three of the main educational Research centers in Mexico: Centro de Estudios Educativos A.C. (México), the first modern educational Research center in the country,  and in the Commission for New Teaching Methods of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, where she started and developed a line of research on curriculum design. She was also the founder of the Sociology of Education course at the Faculty of Social and Political Studies of the said University.

Since 1977, she has been a member of the academic staff of the Department of Educational Research of the Center for Research and Advances studies in Mexico, where she has led a line of research and graduate studies regarding the politics, the institutions and the actors in the relations between education and work and is in charge of the basic course of Educational problems and policies.  

From 1993 a 1998, by agreement between her institution, Cinvestav, and the National Union of Educational Workers, she was appointed General Director of the Union’s Foundation for the improvement of teachers’ culture and training.  There she promoted different lines of Research Continuous education and dissemination of teaching knowledge for Mexican basic education teachers.

From 1989 to 2003, she was member and later general coordinator of the Latin American network of education and work, founded by a very prestigious Argentinean sociologist, Dr. María Antonia Gallart.  

She was President of the Mexican Council of Educational Research 2006-2007  and member of the National Council of (16)  Experts in Education, created by the Minister of Education.(2006-2007)

She has been member of the experts’ council on technical and vocational Education of the Organization of Ibero American States, and advisor to UNESCO’s International Institute for the Planning of Education also in technical and vocational Education.

She has published some 50 research articles, 35 book chapters and twenty books on the different subject matter she has addressed.


Recent Positions and honors

National researcher, (since 1984)  highest rank, III ( since 1993)

Member of the National Committee for the Evaluation of National Researchers in the Humanities,  2005-2007;   2015-2017

President of the International Academy of Education, 2012-1015


Doctor en Ciencias en la especialidad de investigación educativa. Center for Research and Advanced Studies, Mexico, March 31st 1991.


de Ibarrola María (2016) . Dilemas de futuro para  la educación y la formación  técnico profesional en América Latina. Contribución al debate. En  UNESCO/IIPE/ Red ETIS, Tendencias en Foco, 33. Abril de 2016.


De Ibarrola, María. (2014) Una nueva educación para América Latina en el siglo XXI: desafíos, tensiones y dilemas. México D.F.,  ANUIES, 176 pp. ( Temas de hoy en la educación superior 30). ISBN: 978-607-451-093-5


María de Ibarrola and Lorin W.Anderson ( editors) ( 2014) The Nurturing of New Educational Researchers. Dialogues and Debates. SENSE Publishers. The Netherlands. 148pp.  ISBN : 978-94-6909-696-7 (Paperback) ISBN : 978-94-6209-697-4 (Hardback)

Traducido al español :  De Ibarrola, María y Lorin W. Anderson ( 2015) La formación de nuevos investigadores educativos. Diálogos y debates. México D.F. ANUIES, 240 páginas ( Colección Biblioteca de la Educación Superior). ISBN: 978-607-110-9


de Ibarrola, María. (2006) Formación escolar para el trabajo. Montevideo. CINTERFOR, 2006. (Sobre Artes y Oficios, 5) 411 pp. ISBN: 92-9088-213


Most cherished books: 

de Ibarrola, María. Escuela y trabajo en el sector agropecuario en México  Miguel Angel Porrúa/ Cinvestav/ Instituto Mora/ Flacso. México, 1994 394pp. 

 de Ibarrola, María y Gallart, Ma. Antonia (et al.) Dirección académica coordinación y redacción. Democracia y productividad. Desafíos para una nueva educación media en América Latina. Red latinoamericana de Educación y Trabajo /OREALC-UNESCO. Porrúa/ Cinvestav/ Instituto Mora/ Flacso. México, 1994 394pp. 


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