
Academy History

Founding ‘Informal’ Meeting of International Academy of Education[1]

June 15–17, 1985, Oxford (England)


Robert Maxell and Barbara Barrett, Pergamon Press


Torsten Husén (Chair)

Mark Blaug

Benjamin Bloom

James Coleman

Herbert Walberg

Neville Postlethwaite (Executive Director)

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • Attendees were elected as founding members of the Academy’s Board of Directors.
  • Attendees met with Robert Maxwell, Chairman of Pergamon Press, who agreed to provide funding of USD 100,800 for the work of the Academy.
  • Members prepared a document on the aim and organisation of the Academy, together with a list of tentative ‘task force’ topics and members.
  • All attendees agreed to approach funding agencies to seek financial support for the Academy.

‘Informal’ Meeting of International Academy of Education[2]

June 21–22, 1986, Oxford (England) 


Robert Maxell and Barbara Barrett, Pergamon Press


Torsten Husén (Chair)

Hellmut Becker

Mark Blaug

Benjamin Bloom

Gilbert De Landsheere

Herbert Walberg

Neville Postlethwaite (Executive Director)

Philip Coombs (part-time to discuss possibly leading task force on Financing of Education)

Kevin Marjoribanks (part-time to discuss possibly leading task force on Home and School)

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • Statutes and Bye-laws were agreed upon
  • Hiroshi Azuma and Raymond Boudon would become new members.
  • Upon incorporation of the Academy: its Board members would be Husén (Chair), Azuma, Becker, Blaug, Bloom, Boudon, Coleman, De Landsheere and Walberg; its Standing Committee would consist of Husén, De Landsheere and Walberg; and Postlethwaite would be Executive Director for 5 years.
  • The task force proposals of Coombs and Marjoribanks were accepted and Board members would approach funding agencies for additional financial support for these projects.
  • Other task forces were discussed.
  • A press release was drafted to send to numerous newspapers when the Academy becomes incorporated.

First ‘Formal’ Board Meeting of International Academy of Education[3]

June 29–30, 1987, Nadrin (Belgium) 


Gilbert De Landsheere


Torsten Husén (Chair)

Hiroshi Azuma

Hellmut Becker

Mark Blaug

Benjamin Bloom

James Coleman

Gilbert De Landsheere

Herbert Walberg

Neville Postlethwaite (Executive Director)

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • Some of the funding promised by Robert Maxwell from Pergamon Press had been received, as well as a grant of USD 35,000 from the MacArthur Foundation for the Home and School project.
  • The idea of a ‘Nobel prize’ in education will be explored, but it would require an endowment of approximately USD 2 million.
  • Herbert Walberg proposed an International What Works project.
  • Discussion continued about the task forces considered at the previous meeting, namely, Home and School and Financing of Education. However, Kevin Marjoribanks no longer was available to lead the first task force and Philip Coombs was absent from the present meeting.
  • Board Members will continue to engage in fundraising for the Academy.
  • Procedures were identified for reviewing future task force reports prior to publication.


Board Meeting of International Academy of Education

June 25–27, 1988, Berlin 


Hellmut Becker


Torsten Husén (Chair)

Hiroshi Azuma

Hellmut Becker

Mark Blaug

Benjamin Bloom

James Coleman

Herbert Walberg

Neville Postlethwaite (Executive Director)

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • This meeting was partly funded by the City of Berlin.
  • Following the withdrawal of Kevin Marjoribanks (upon appointment as Vice-Chancellor of University of Adelaide) and Philip Coombs as task force leaders, Thomas Kellaghan was appointed to lead the Home and School task force and Jean-Claude Eicher was appointed to lead the Financing of Education task force. Progress on these two task forces was discussed.
  • Raising an endowment for ‘Nobel prize’ in education was highly unlikely, despite an approach having been made by Torsten Husén to Svenska Hadelsbanken.
  • Fund-raising opportunities and new task forces were discussed.
  • The future of the Academy (including its continued existence) was discussed.

Board Meeting of International Academy of Education

September 7–9, 1989, Stockholm 


Torsten Husén


Torsten Husén (Chair)

Hellmut Becker

James Coleman

Gilbert De Landsheere

Herbert Walberg

Neville Postlethwaite (Executive Director)

Thomas Kellaghan (part-time to report on task force on Home and School)

Jean-Claude Eicher (part-time to report on task force on Financing of Education)

Jan Zeeuw (part-time to report on IAE finances)

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • Thomas Kellaghan and Jean-Claude Eicher led extensive discussions on the task forces on, respectively, Home and School and Financing of Education
  • Herbert Walberg proposed to lead a task force on Science Education and James Coleman proposed a task force on College Assessment. Participants discussed a proposal by Herbert Walberg for the Science Education task force to meet in Perth in February 1990 (hosted by Barry Fraser).
  • The future funding of Academy activities was discussed.
  • Discussion focused on the role of the Academy as an honorific or mission-oriented society.
  • Neville Postlethwaite flagged that, because of his other commitments, he would like to be replaced as Executive Director before long.
  • It was agreed that the idea of a ‘Nobel prize’ in education was unrealistic and should be abandoned.

Board Meeting of International Academy of Education

September 7–9, 1990, Nadrin (Belgium) 


Gilbert De Landsheere


Torsten Husén (Chair)

Hellmut Becker

James Coleman

Gilbert De Landsheere

Jacques Hallak

Neville Postlethwaite

Herbert Walberg

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • Jacques Hallak was welcomed as a new Board Member, Neville Postlethwaite was elected to the Board upon completion of his time as Executive Director, and Barry Fraser was welcomed as the new Executive Director
  • Kellaghan’s report on the Home and School task force and Eicher’s report on the Financing of Education had been received in August 1990.
  • A task force on Science Education (Walberg and Fraser) had met in Perth (Australia) in June 1990.
  • Sippanondha Ketudat had accepted an invitation to become a Board Member and invitations to become Associate Members had been accepted by Thomas Kellaghan, Kathryn Sloane, Barbara Alvarez, John-Claude Eicher, Hank Levin and Philip Coombs.
  • Several new task forces were proposed and Herbert Walberg agreed to seek funding from the MacArthur Foundation in Chicago for approximately USD 200,000 to support various task forces and projects.
  • The aims and goals of the Academy were discussed.
  • It was agreed that Sam Redding would be invited to write a shortened document based on his own work and Kellaghan’s book and to run a workshop on the Home and School theme.

Meeting of International Academy of Education

November 7–9, 1991, Tokyo & Hakone (Japan) 


Hiroshi Azuma


Torsten Husén (Chair)

Hiroshi Azuma

Gilbert De Landsheere

Kjell Härnqvist

Herbert Walberg

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Lee Shulman (ex officio representing US National Academy of Education)

Sam Redding (in attendance for Home and School project)

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • Kjell Härnqvist was welcomed as a new Board Member.
  • Discussion focused on ongoing plans to revise Kelleghan’s book on the Home and School and publish it with Jossey-Bass, as well as to publish workshop material authored by Sam Redding and based on both his own and Kelleghan’s work.[4]
  • Eicher’s report based on the Financing of Education task force would be published as (a) a complete issue of the International Journal of Educational Research and as an article in Prospects.
  • A proposal to the MacArthur Foundation had been prepared by Herbert Walberg and discussed during this meeting.
  • It was decided to invite Goéry Delacȏte to become a Board Member and Walo Hutmacher to become an Associate Member.

Meeting of International Academy of Education

November 8–10, 1992, Brussels 


Gilbert De Landsheere


Torsten Husén (Chair)

Hiroshi Azuma

Goéry Delacȏte

Gilbert De Landsheere

Jacques Hallak

Kjell Härnqvist

Neville Postlethwaite

Herbert Walberg

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Albert Tuijnman (Visitor)

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • The future of the Academy was discussed extensively.
  • Several Board Members undertook to write brief discussion papers on various topics.
  • During this meeting, Albert Tuijnman was elected Associate Executive Director for a 3-year period.
  • Goéry Delacȏte undertook to pursue the idea of an international merit prize in science education.
  • In the future, the full Board would meet bi-annually and the Executive Committee would meet annually.
  • The Chair of the Academy would change from Torsten Husén to Gilbert De Landsheere.
  • Clotilde Pontecorvo would be invited to become a Board member.
  • A copy of Sam Redding’s shorter document based on his own work and Kelleghan’s book (entitled The Home Environment and School Learning: A Handbook for Schools) was tabled.
  • It was confirmed that the Eicher’s publication on the Financing of Education would appear as a whole issue of the International Journal of Educational Research (Vol. 19, No. 5, 1993) as well as a shorter article in Prospects, 21(2), 1991.
  • The IAE would present a symposium based on the Home and School project at the AERA annual meeting in Atlanta in 1993.

Board Meeting of International Academy of Education

June 11–12, 1994, Rome 


Clotilde Pontecorvo


Gilbert De Landsheere (Chair)

Jacques Hallak

Kjell Härnqvist

Torsten Husén

Clotilde Pontecorvo

Herbert Walberg

Albert Tuijnman (Associate Executive Director)

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • Since the full Board meeting in Brussels in November 1992, the Executive Committee had met twice in Paris in February and November 1993, and informal meetings had been held in conjunction with the annual meeting of AERA in Atlanta in April 1993 and New Orleans in April 1994.
  • Kellaghan’s book based on the Home and School task force was published with these details: T. Kellaghan, K. Sloane, B. Alvarez & B. Bloom (1993). The Home Environment and School Learning: Promoting Parental Involvement in the Education of Children. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
  • Sam Redding’s more user-friendly report of the Home and School theme will be published in a journal (details to come later).
  • The book that emerged from the Science Education taskforce would be published with the following citation details: B.J. Fraser and H.G. Walberg (Ed.), Improving Science Education (Contemporary Education Issues series), Chicago: National Society for Study of Education.
  • Sippanondha Ketudat has resigned as Board member and Associate Membership had been accepted by Ernesto Schiefelbein, Peter Okebukola and Millicent Poole and will be offered to Arfah Aziz and John Keeves.
  • The future of the Academy was again discussed. Major suggestions involved expanding the size of the membership in a planned way and abandoning distinctions such as Associate Member and Life Member. These ideas will be progressed further during future meetings.
  • A discussion paper prepared by Kjell Härnqvist on the organisation of R & D was endorsed.
  • Because it was considered that the Academy was at a critical stage in its history, the next Board meeting should be held in 1995 (instead of waiting the recommended two-year interval until 1996).
  • While in Rome, a discussion was held with officials from the Italian Ministry of Education and universities.

Board Meeting of International Academy of Education

April 16–17, 1995, San Francisco 


Goéry Delacȏte


Torsten Husén (Chair)

Hiroshi Azuma

Goéry Delacȏte

Kjell Härnqvist

Clotilde Pontecorvo

Herbert Walberg

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

John Keeves, Peter Okebukola & Kathryn Sloane (present for half a day as Associate Members)

Bereavement Since Last Meeting

James Coleman (founding Board member)

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • The two venues for the meeting were the Exploratorium (where Goéry Delacȏte is Director) and St Francis Yacht Club. San Francisco was chosen as a location because the AERA annual meeting was being held around this time.
  • Sam Redding’s ‘user-friendly’ publication on the Home and School theme will be published as a whole issue of School Community Journal in Spring 1995.
  • The Academy is presenting 2 sessions at the 1995 AERA annual meeting: Educational Research and Development: Challenges and Prospects in International Perspective; and a session based on the Improving Science Education book. Also another paper session on the science education book is being presented at the annual meeting of NARST (National Association for Research in Science Teaching).
  • A decision on enlarging and restructuring the Academy was postponed until the next meeting in 1996.

Board Meeting of International Academy of Education

October 19–21, 1996, Brussels 


Gilbert De Landsheere


Gilbert De Landsheere (Chair)

Jacques Hallak

Kjell Härnqvist

Torsten Husén

Herbert Walberg

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Albert Tuijnman (Assistant Executive Director)

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities 

  • The distinction between ‘full’ members, Associate members and Life members would be eliminated.
  • Given the Academy’s plans to expand, the following Associate members would be invited to become ‘full’ members: Arfah Aziz, Philip Coombs, Jean-Claude Eicher, Walo Hutmacher, John Keeves, Thomas Kellaghan, Henry (Hank) Levin, Peter Okebukola and Millicent Poole, Ernesto Schiefelbein, Kathryn Sloane and Ulrich Teichler.
  • Barry Fraser was requested to update the Academy’s publicity brochure.
  • Recruiting new members would involve recommendations from 3 regional committees for North America (Herb Walberg), Europe (Kjell Härnqvist) and Australia/Asia (John Keeves). Neville Postlethwaite would retain overall leadership of recruiting.
  • The following 20 people would be invited to membership of the Academy:


Paul Baltes (Germany)

Erik De Corte (Belgium)

Wadi Haddad (originally from Middle East)

Michael Huberman (Switzerland)

Arieh Lewy (Israel)

Ingvar Lundberg (Sweden)

Ference Marton (Sweden)

Michael Rutter (UK)

Franz Weinert (Germany)

Maureen Woodhall (UK)

North America

Lorin Anderson

Albert Beaton

John Bishop

Jere Brophy

Chester Finn

E Hirsh

Michael Hirst

Lauren Resnick

William Schubert

Richard Wolf

  • In future, recruiting was considered desirable to achieve a better balance in terms of geographic areas, education topics and inclusion of policy-makers.
  • Torsten Husén agreed to be interim Chair for one year only (while the appointment of a longer-term Chair to lead the expanded Academy).

General Assembly Meeting of International Academy of Education

June 22–23, 1998, IIEP, Paris 


Jacques Hallak


Torsten Husén (Chair)

Al Beaton

John Bishop

Monique Boekaerts

Jere Brophy

Erik De Corte

Goéry Delacȏte

Jean-Claude Eicher

Jacques Hallak

Eric Hanushek

Kjell Härnqvist

John Keeves

Michael Kirst

Denis Phillips

Neville Postlethwaite

Lauren Resnick

Don Spearritt

Ulrich Teichler

Stella Vosniadou

Herbert Walberg

Margaret Wang

Dick Wolf

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Albert Tuijnman (Assistant Executive Director)

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • This historic meeting marked the beginning of a new era with the Academy’s expanded membership, as well as Torsten Husén’s last meeting as Chair. New members were introduced and the Academy’s history, aims and projects were described and discussed.
  • Erik De Corte was elected as new Chair (hereafter referred to as President) initially for a 3-year period (but his time as President actually lasted considerably longer).
  • The previous term of Member was changed to Fellow of the International Academy of Education (FIAE).
  • A major part of this meeting involved dividing attendees into three groups to discuss the Academy’s aims and future priorities, followed by a whole-group general discussion.
  • The same groups met again to identify numerous possible new/future projects for the Academy (Item 5 in attached Minutes), followed by a whole-group discussion.
  • Torsten Husén reported that he was leading a task force entitled Research Agenda for Lifelong Learning on behalf of the Academy and funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation (with other members being Kjell Härnqvist, Ulrich Teichler, Albert Tuijnman and Herb Walberg). The Academy would sponsor a session on this topic at the 1999 annual AERA meeting.
  • Herb Walberg described his vision for what later became the IAE’s Educational Practice series.
  • With the expanded size and associated complexity of the Academy, it was considered important to find ways of maintaining momentum during the two-year interval between General Assembly meetings. It was recommended that the Executive Committee (President, Executive Director and Past President) try to meet annually during AERA annual conferences.

General Assembly Meeting of International Academy of Education

June 18–19, 2000, Stanford University 


Denis Phillips


Erik De Corte (President)

Lorin Anderson

Monique Boekaerts

Jere Brophy

Eric Hanushek

Torsten Husén

Mike Kirst

Denis Phillips

Sylvia Schmelkes

Wolfgang Schneider

Ulrich Teichler

Herbert Walberg

Dick Wolf

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Bereavements Since Last Meeting

Jean Chall and Michael Huberman

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • Although a sizeable list of potential projects had been identified during the previous meeting in Paris, most of these projects had not progressed.
  • The Academy now has its own website (www.smec.curtin.edu.au/iae).
  • The Academy’s Educational Practice series had been successfully initiated and launched by Herbert Walberg and an arrangement to publish and distribute 100,000 copies had been worked out with the UNESCO Bureau of Education (IBE) in Geneva. The first three booklets will be Teaching (Jere Brophy), Parents and Learning (Sam Redding) and Effective Educational Practices (Herbert Walberg and Susan Paik). These publications will be free to download from the IBE and IAE websites, with Chinese and Spanish translations to follow later.
  • A monograph entitled The Benefits and Limitations of International Educational Achievement Studies (Albert Beaton, Neville Postlethwaite, Ken Ross, Don Spearritt and Dick Wolf) had been copublished and distributed through cooperation with the UNESCO Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) in Paris.
  • Erik De Corte had reached an agreement for a joint Academic Europaea (AE) and IAE conference on Excellence in Higher Education to be held in Stockholm around the time of the IAE’s next general assembly meeting in 2002, with some funding support from the Wenner-Gren Foundation.
  • A plaque was presented to Torsten Husén in recognition of his contribution as the Academy’s inaugural Chair.
  • Two new Fellows, Giyoo Hatano and Ken Ross, had been elected.
  • The Academy sponsored two sessions at the AERA annual meeting in New Orleans in April 2000.
  • Three hours were devoted to two working groups on identifying future projects/activities (Item 12 in attached Minutes).
  • Two conditions were established for continuation as a Fellow:
    1. Regular payment of dues is a requirement for continuation as a Fellow. Fellow status will be terminated for anyone who falls four years behind in payment of dues.
    2. Fellows must be involved in the activities of the Academy. Fellow status will be terminated for any Fellow who misses three consecutive general assembly meetings unless he/she has been substantially involved in other Academy activities over the previous four years.

General Assembly Meeting of International Academy of Education

June 2–3, 2002, Stockholm, Sweden 


Torsten Husén


Erik De Corte (President)

Monique Boekaerts

Rick Hanushek

Kjell Harnqvist

Torsten Husen

John Keeves

Denis Phillips

Neville Postlethwaite

Sylvia Schmelkes

Don Spearritt

Ulrich Teichler

Albert Tuijnman

Maris Vinovskis

Stella Vosniadoi

Herb Walberg

Dick Wolf

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Bereavements Since Previous Meeting 

Michael Huberman, Gilbert de Lansheere, Margaret Wang and Franz Weinert

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • A successful joint conference of Academia Europaea (AE) and IAE on Excellence in Higher Education had been held in Stockholm on May 31 and June 1 at the Wenner-Gren Foundation’s facilities. A book based on the conference will be edited by Erik De Corte and published by Portland Press.
  • The general assembly meeting had been preceded on the Sunday by lunch at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and a dinner sponsored by the Ministry of Education.
  • Erik De Corte drew attention to the sizeable list of potential projects that had been identified by three working groups during the Stanford general assembly meeting, noting that so few of these projects had progressed.
  • Herb Walberg reported that 8 issues had been published in the IBE/IAE Educational Practice series, with two further issues in press.
  • It was noted that, through the IBE’s distribution, Educational Practice booklets are distributed in 190 countries to Ministerial officials responsible for the education of three-quarters of the world’s children. The Indonesian Ministry of Education has downloaded the Teaching booklet and distributed 100,000 copies to teachers in Indonesia. In Philadelphia, Margaret Wang printed and distributed 8,000 copies of Teaching to teachers.
  • Erik De Corte reported that Mike Kirst had been unsuccessful in his attempts to initiate an Educational Systems and Policy series.
  • The Executive Director reported that, of the 47 Fellows who were elected prior to the Paris general assembly meeting in 1998, (a) 21 Fellows had attended no general assembly meeting and (b) 15 of these 21 Fellows also had fallen at least 4 years behind in payment of dues.
  • It was resolved that the Executive Director would contact any Fellow who had both missed the previous 3 meetings and fallen at least 4 yeas behind in dues payments regarding possible discontinuation of Fellowship.
  • It was resolved that the Academy should be expanded by electing approximately 30 new Fellows over the next few years.
  • The Academy had sponsored two successful sessions at the AERA annual meeting in Seattle in 2001 and another session in New Orleans in 2002.
  • Two working groups met to suggest possible future activities and projects, including (a) workshops for trainers based on the Educational Practice series and (b) initiate an Educational Systems and Policy series in conjunction with UNESCO’s IIEP (International Institute for Educational Planning) in Paris and initially coordinated by Neville Postlethwaite.


General Assembly Meeting of International Academy of Education

June 4–6, 2004, Leuven, Belgium 


Erik De Corte


Erik De Corte (President)

Al Beaton

Monique Boekaerts

Jere Brophy

Maria de Ibarrola

Andreas Demetriou

Eric Hanushek

Fritz Oser

Denis Phillips

Neville Postlethwaite

Lauren Resnick

Wolfgang Schneider

Albert Tuijnman

Dick Wolf

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Bereavements Since Last Meeting

John Ogbu and Jean-Claude Eicher

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • The General Assembly meeting had been preceded by a dinner sponsored by University of Leuven and first morning was devoted to a session on Equality of Educational Opportunity involving presenters from University of Leuven and the Academy.
  • 14 issues of the Academy’s highly-successful Educational Practice series have been published so far (see Item 5 in Minutes). However, the future of this series is unclear because the IBE’s Director (Mrs Baslavsky) is seriously ill.
  • Neville Postlethwaite proposed an Educational Policy series along the lines of the Educational Practice series to be published by UNESCO’s IIEP (International Institute for Educational Planning) in Paris. IAE Fellow Ken Ross, who works at IIEP, has assisted. Ultimately, the series would be co-edited by Neville and Rick Hanushek.
  • Portland Press had published a book based on the joint AE/IAE conference on excellence in higher education held prior to Academy’s 2002 meeting in Stockholm.
  • Herb Walberg reported that he had invited the IBE (International Bureau of Education) in Geneva to consider funding of ‘training’ based on the IAE’s Educational Practice series. Unfortunately, this did not come to fruition.
  • Monique Boekaerts was elected President-Elect for 2006–2010, with Erik De Corte serving as President until 2006 and then as Past President for 2006–2008). (This also satisfies the requirement for a Belgian member of Board of Directors.)
  • The Membership Nominations Committee (chaired by Denis Phillips) led a discussion about guidelines/procedures for recruiting new Fellows. Following the General Assembly meeting, this Committee and Board members evolved the revised procedures in Appendix 1 of Minutes.
  • It was resolved that the Academy would remove from its list of Fellows approximately a dozen people who had never attended a general assembly meeting, who also had fallen behind many years in the payment of their dues, and who also had not been actively involved in any Academy activity/project.

General Assembly Meeting of International Academy of Education

September 29–October 1, 2006, Mexico City 


Maria de Ibarrola


Erik De Corte (President)

Adrienne Alton-Lee

Lorin Anderson

Monique Boekaerts

Jere Brophy

Maria de Ibarrola

Andreas Demetriou

Eric Hanushek

Fritz Oser

Denis Phillips

Neville Postlethwaite

Gavriel Salomon

Sylvia Schmelkes

Don Spearritt

Doug Willms

Maris Vinovskis

Yong Zhao

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Bereavements Since Last Meeting

Giyoo Hatano, Arieh Lewy, Kevin Marjoribanks, Dick Wolf

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • The first day was devoted to 5 sessions with Mexican educators, followed by a dinner sponsored by Mexican organisations.
  • A new Financial Advisory Committee, chaired by Lorin Anderson, was established to advise on which projects were suited to external funding and from what sources.
  • There are now 15 issues published in IAE/IBE Educational Practice series (Item 7 in Minutes). The future of this series remains unclear now that the IBE Director (Mrs Braslavsky) had passed away and the Academy’s main IBE contact (John Fox) had retired. It was resolved that Erik De Corte would visit the IBE in Geneva to discuss the future of this series with the new IBE Director (Mrs Acedo).
  • Herb Walberg wishes to step down as Educational Practice series Editor and hand this role to a committee chaired by Jere Brophy.
  • 8 issues in the new Educational Policy series had been published or accepted for publication (Item 8 of Minutes). A new contractual arrangement had been reached with IIEP’s new Director (Mark Bray).
  • Updates were provided on previously-proposed projects focusing on: potential of international assessment for improving education (Neville Postlethwaite); educational myths or ‘bullshit’ in education (Fritz Oser); and tolerance of fundamental ideologies (Denis Phillips).
  • Following the general assembly meeting, Denis Phillips and Barry Fraser evolved modified procedures and policies for nominating new Fellows (see Appendix to Minutes).
  • Yong Zhao offered to take over the administration of the Academy website.

General Assembly Meeting of International Academy of Education

September 26–27, 2008, Limassol, Cyprus 


Andreas Demetriou


Monique Boekaerts (President)

Adrienne Alton-Lee

Lorin Anderson

Jurgen Baumert

Jere Brophy

Erik De Corte

Patrick Griffin

Maria de Ibarrola

Andreas Demetriou

Eric Hanushek

Fritz Oser

Denis Phillips

Neville Postlethwaite

Gavriel Salomon

Wolfgang Schneider

Ultrich Teichler

Albert Tuijnman

Servaas van der Berg

Stella Vosniadou

Ludger Woessman

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Bereavement Since Last Meeting

Kjell Härnqvist

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • The General Assembly meeting had been preceded the previous day by open sessions with Cypriot educators and a dinner sponsored by Ayios Community Board.
  • It was decided to discontinue the Fellowship of 5 people who had missed many dues payments and general assembly meetings and had shown very little interest in the Academy.
  • There are now 18 issues published in IAE/IBE Educational Practice series (Item 6 in Minutes) whose Editorial Board is chaired by Jere Brophy. After Erik De Corte visited the IBE in Geneva in his role as Academy President for discussions with IBE’s incoming Director (Mrs Acedo), the continued future of the Practice series appears bright.
  • Rick Hanushek reported that there are now 8 issues published in IAE/IIEP Educational Policy series (Item 7 in Minutes). There are continuing communication problems between the IAE and IIEP.
  • The Academy’s new website, managed by Yong Zhao, is now available at http://iaoed.org.
  • The President led a whole-group discussion of future activities.
  • Wolfgang Schneider became Chair of Nominations Committee initially for 2008–2010. A focus of the Nominations Committee is to recruit new Fellows to provide a better balance of genders, ages, disciplines and geographical locations.
  • At the previous IAE meeting, a new Finance Committee was established without precise terms of reference. The interim Chair of this committee (Lorin Anderson) decided to step down, with Albert Tuijnman and Frtiz Oser looking after this committee in the future.

General Assembly Meeting of International Academy of Education

September 16–19, 2010, Cape Town, South Africa 


Servaas van der Berg


Monique Boekaerts (President)

Lorin Anderson

David Berliner

Erik De Corte

Maria de Ibarrola

Eric Hanushek

Erno Lehtinen

Reinhard Pekrun

Denis Phillips

Lauren Resnick

Crain Soudien

Ultrich Teichler

Servaas van der Berg

Doug Willms

Yong Zhao

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Bereavements Since Last Meeting

Torsten Husén, Neville Postlethwaite

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • The Appendix to the Minutes of this meeting provides an overview of the many academic and social activities (including interactions with local educators) during these days.
  • Currently 20 issues of the IAE/IBE Educational Practice series (Item 5 in Minutes) have been published. Following the bereavement of Jere Brophy, Herb Walberg had temporarily taken over Jere’s role as Chair for this series. Stella Vosniadou was elected as Chair for this series.
  • Rick Hanushek reported that 12 issues of the IAE/IIEP Educational Policy series (Item 6 in Minutes) have been published. Adrienne Alton-Lee was elected as incoming Chair for this series
  • Brief reports were provided about Academy-sponsored sessions at AERA annual meetings in San Diego in 2009 (“What Types of Testing Will Improve Education?”) and in Denver in 2010 (“Large Scale Assessment and Impact of Neville Postlethwaite”).
  • Regarding future activities, Fritz Oser reported limited progress on his idea of a project on Educational Myths or ‘Bullshit’ in Education and Jurgen Baumert had expressed a tentative interest in leading a project on Education of Teachers.

General Assembly Meeting of International Academy of Education

April 20–21, 2012, Victoria, Canada 


Doug Willms


Monique Boekaerts (President)

Adrienne Alton-Lee

Lorin Anderson

David Berliner

Nicholas Burbules

Erik De Corte

Maria de Ibarrola

Marc Depaepe

Patrick Griffin

Fritz Oser

Erno Lehtinen

Reinhard Pekrun

Denis Phillips

Lauren Resnick

Roger Saljo

Bill Schubert

Crain Soudien

Servaas van der Berg

Maris Vinovskis

Doug Willms

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Bereavements Since Last Meeting 

None known

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • The dates for this IAE meeting had been chosen to be close to the time of AERA annual meeting in nearby Vancouver. IAE Fellows presented a session on Implementing Innovation Ideas and Practices in the Classroom at AERA 2012.
  • Stella Vosniadou reported that 22 issues of the IAE/IBE Educational Practice series (Item 5 in Minutes) had been published, some of which had been translated into other languages. Future directions were discussed.
  • Adrienne Alton-Lee reported that 12 booklets had been published in IAE/IIEP Policy series (Item 6 in Minutes). Future directions were discussed.
  • Doug Willms was elected as President/Elect and Wolfgang Schneider agreed to continue as Chair of Nominations Committee.
  • Servaas van den Berg reported that he had organised a 2011 IAE session on Poverty and Education for AERA annual meeting in New Orleans.
  • Maria de Ibarrola led past reflections on and future plans for the Academy, and Maria and Monique Boekaerts led a discussion of future projects.
  • Monique Boekaerts agreed to liaise with Jürgen Baumert about his willingness to host the next Academy meeting around time of EARLI conference in Munich in 2013 and explore whether the Jacobs Foundation would provide financial support for an Academy General Assembly meeting to be held at Marbach Castle in Germany.

General Assembly Meeting of International Academy of Education

September 1–4, 2013, Marbach Castle, Germany 


Jacobs Foundation


Maria de Ibarrola (President)

Lorin Anderson

Jurgen Baumert

David Berliner

Monique Boekaerts

Nicholas Burbules

Martin Carnoy

Erik De Corte

Andreas Demetriou

Marc Depaepe

Kadriye Ercikan

Gustavo Fischman

Patrick Griffin

Eric Hanushek

Fritz Oser

Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont

Denis Phillips

Andrei Podolskij

Fernando Reimers

Lauren Resnick

Wolfgang Schneider

Bill Schubert

Rich Shavelson

Crain Soudien

Ulrich Teichler

Albert Tuijnman

Servaas van der Berg

Maris Vinovskis

Stella Vosniadou

Doug Willms

Ludger Woessman

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Bereavements Since Last Meeting

None known

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • Thanks to the generosity of the Jacobs Foundation, this was the first Academy meeting for which air fares, accommodation and all other expenses were being paid for.
  • This was the first time that an IAE meeting had been held in conjunction with an EARLI conference.
  • Bereavements since last meeting: None known.
  • Fellows commented favourably on the welcome dinner and the academic and social programs (see Minutes).
  • A special welcome was extended to four recently-appointed Fellows in attendance (Kadriye Ercikan, Gustavo Fischman, Andrei Padolskij and Rich Shavelson) and three other first-time attending Fellows (Martin Carnoy, Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont and Fernando Reimers).
  • Adrienne Alton-Lee reported in absentia that 13 booklets now have been published in the IAE/IIEP Educational Policy series (Item 5 in Minutes). Because Adrienne was unable to continue as Chair, Lorin Anderson agreed to be Interim Chair.
  • Stella Vosniadou reported that 23 issues of the IAE/IBE Educational Practice series (Item 6 in Minutes) had been published.
  • Yong Zhao reported that, although he had moved to the University of Oregon, the Academy’s website address remains as http://iaoed.org
  • Maria de Ibarrola reported that she had hosted a meeting in Mexico during 2013 focusing on a project and book about nurturing of educational researchers (including doctoral students). Also a biography on the development of educational researchers’ careers is under development.
  • Reports were given on IAE sessions at AERA 2013 (organised by Doug Willms) and EARLI 2013 (organised by Reinhard Pekrun). Also Stella Vosniadou had presented a session on the IAE Practice series at EARLI 2013.
  • Doug Willms was elected as President-Elect and Wolfgang Schneider agreed to continue to chair the Membership Nominations Committee.

General Assembly Meeting of International Academy of Education

August 12–14, 2015, Melbourne, Australia 


Patrick Griffin


Doug Willms (Chair in absence of Maria de Ibarrola)

Adrienne Alton-Lee

Lorin Anderson

David Berliner

Nicholas Burbules

Martin Carnoy

Gustavo Fischman

Patrick Griffin

Eric Hanushek

Alejandra Mizala

Denis Phillips

Crain Soudien

Maris Vinovskis

Doug Willms

Yong Zhao

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Bereavements Since Last Meeting

None known

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • In the absence of Maria de Ibarrola (President) because of extenuating personal circumstances, Doug Willms (President-Elect) chaired the meeting.
  • It was noted that, because of the unusual interval of only one year between the 2012 Victoria meeting and 2013 Marbach meeting, Maria’s anticipated 4-year duration as President had been truncated to 3 years.
  • The academic program included a Dean’s lecture, an Australian College of Education lecture, and presentations by the Victorian Minister of Education and John Hattie.
  • Social activities included a bus trip to Gisborne Peak Winery and a dinner at University House.
  • In her absence, Maria de Ibarrola provided some Powerpoint presentations that noted the following:
    • Maria had devoted time during her sabbatical leave to reviewing Academy activities and accomplishments, especially from 2012 (Victoria meeting) to 2015 (Melbourne meeting).
    • It was disappointing that many activities that were identified during general assembly meetings never came to fruition and that there is considerable lost potential/opportunity because such a small proportion of Fellows are actively involved in Academy activities.
      Hopes for wider use of Practices booklets and Academy website had not been realised.
    • Maria noted two books, published by Sense in 2014, had been produced by Academy Fellows based on funded projects that she had initiated: The Nurturing of New Educational Researchers involving Lorin Anderson, Maria de Ibarrola, Denis Phillips, Gavriel Salomon and Ulrich Teichler; and Leaders in Educational Research: Intellectual Self-Portraits by Fellows and the International Academy of Education involving 14 Fellows.
    • Maria proposed a new IAE Dialogue book series (which did not eventually come to fruition). The Nurturing of New Educational Researchers would be an example of such a Dialogue book.
  • Patrick Griffin proposed a book based on presentations at this meeting to be published by Melbourne University Press. (This did not come to fruition.)
  • Denis Phillips (Chair of Nominations Committee) led a discussion of criteria and procedures for nominating and evaluating new Fellows.
  • As during previous meetings, the issue of inactive Fellows was discussed.
  • Decisions were taken for IAE sessions at annual AERA conferences in 2016 and 2017.
  • Ongoing progress with the Practice series was noted, with Maria reporting that she had met with people at the IIEP to re-establish interest continuing the Policy series.
  • A decision was made to intensify efforts to strengthen the Educational Practice series (Chairs: Adrienne Alton-Lee and Lorin Anderson) for a further two-year trial period.Disappointment was expressed that no Fellow from Europe was attending this meeting.

General Assembly Meeting of International Academy of Education

April 23–25, 2017, Arizona State University, USA 


David Berliner and Gustavo Fischman


Doug Willms (President)

Lorin Anderson

Jürgen Baumert

David Berliner

Martin Carnoy

Kadriye Ercikan

Gustavo Fischman

Eric Hanushek

Maria de Ibarrola

Alejandra Mizala

Fritz Oser

Denis Phillips

Bill Schubert

Rich Shavelson

Servaas van der Berg

Maris Vinovskis

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Bereavements Since Last Meeting

Hiroshi Azuma, Gabi Salomon

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • The social program included lunch at University Club followed by the Heard Museum, dinner at Los Olivas in Scottsdale, and dinner at Gertrude’s and a tour of Desert Botanical Gardens.
  • Doug Willms led a discussion on the future and mandate of the Academy.
  • Fellows were requested to update their CVs for the website.
  • Lorin Anderson agreed to coordinate the website.
  • Various Fellows took responsibility for organising an Academy session at various conferences including AERA 2018 (David Berliner), EARLI 2019 (Fritz Oser) and CIES (Comparative & International Education Society) 2018 (Maria de Ibarrola).
  • Regarding the Practice series, several new booklets will be published soon, Stella Vosniadou will resume leadership after of the series, some staff from the International Bureau of Education (IBE) are involved, and the IBE’s new manager (Simona Popa) is supportive.
  • Maria de Ibarrola will continue to Chair the Policy series in the hope that it can continue.
  • During the discussion of membership, it was suggested that two new recruiting rounds be implemented before the next general assembly meeting. The need for more female Fellows and people from outside North America and Europe was emphasised.
  • Proposals for hosting the next general assembly meeting were solicited. Moscow was suggested.

General Assembly Meeting of International Academy of Education

May 23–34, 2019, Moscow, Russia 


Andrey Podolskij


Doug Willms (President)

Lorin Anderson

Martin Carnoy

Erik De Corte

Maria de Ibarrola

Andreas Demetriou

Marc Depaepe

Ines Dussel

Gustavo Fischman

Yuko Nanoyama-Tarumi

Fritz Oser

Andrey Podolskij

Rich Shavelson

Olga Troitschanskaia

Albert Tuijman

Servaas van der Berg

Maris Vinovskis

Ludger Woessman

Barry Fraser (Executive Director)

Bereavements Since Last Meeting

None known

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • The two-day Academy general assembly meeting was preceded by two days when Academy Fellows made presentations to and held discussions with Russian colleagues. Also Doug Willms was interviewed on public Russian television.
  • Highlights of the social program included attending a memorable performance of Swan Lake at the Kremlin Palace, as well as a dinner, a bus tour, and a ferry tour.
  • The Academy website (www.iaoed.org) has been expanded and improved thanks to webmaster, Clayton Crane. Fellows were encouraged to both visit and contribute to this website. There is a secure Fellows-only section.
  • An update was provided on progress with Practice series.
  • The need to identify a suitable venue and host for the next general assembly meeting (presumably in 2021) was discussed.
  • It was noted that it was important to initiate the next recruiting round for new Fellows by the end of 2019.
  • At the end of the meeting, Lorin Anderson assumed the role of President.

General Assembly Meeting of International Academy of Education

October 5–7, 2022, Berlin, Germany 


Jürgen Baumert and Olga Troitschanskaia

Attendees (In-person and Online)

Lorin Anderson (President)

Jürgen Baumert

David Berliner

Sigrid Blömeke

Nicholas Burbules

Martin Carnoy

Beno Csapo

Maria de Ibarrola

Andreas Demetriou

Isak Froumin

Eric Hanushek

Claudia Jacinto

David Kumar (Online)

Beatrice Ligorio

Ee-Ling Low

Alejandra Mizala

Yuko Nonoyama-Tarumi

Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont (Online)

Fernando Reimers

William Schmidt (Online)

Wolfgang Schneider

Tina Seidel

Rich Shavelson

Crain Soudien

Oon-Seng Tan (Online)

Ulrich Teichler

Olga Troitschanskaia

Servaas van der Berg

Stella Vosniadou

Doug Willms

Ludger Woessman

Barry Fraser (Executive Director, Online)

Bereavements Since Last Meeting

Fritz Oser

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • Prior to the general assembly meeting, many Fellows were involved in meetings, presentations and discussion involving local PhD students and postdoctoral colleagues (Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning).
  • The social program included a welcome reception and dinners, as well as a tour of the Humboldt Forum.
  • A session was devoted to presentations by recently-elected Fellows.
  • Rich Shavelson led a session in memory of Fritz Oser in the presence of his wife and other family members.
  • Nicholas Burbules proposed instigating and leading a new series of videos for the Academy website (see www.iaoed.org)
  • Commencing during the next general assembly in 2024, Kadriye Ercikan would become President and Olga Troitschanskaia would become Executive Director (to replace Barry Fraser who has been in that role since 1990).
  • Stella Vosniadou, as Chair of Educational Practice series, gave an update and encouraged Fellows to propose writing new booklets.
  • David Berliner agreed to organise the IAE’s symposium at the 2023 AERA annual meeting in Chicago.The 2024 general assembly meeting will be held in Singapore and hosted by Ee-Ling Low and Oon-Seng Tan.

[1] This founding meeting was ‘informal’ in that it was held prior to when the IAE was incorporated under Belgian law in December 1986.

[2] This meeting was ‘informal’ in that it was held prior to when the Academy was incorporated under Belgian law in December 1986.


[3] This was the IAE’s first ‘formal’ meeting since it was incorporated under Belgian law in December 1986. At this time, all IAE members were Board members and all meetings were business meetings.


[4] During this meeting, Japanese television announced that Robert Maxwell (Chairman of Pergamon Press and provider of a generous start-up grant to the Academy) had drowned.


General Assembly of the International Academy of Education

September 7-9, 2024 @ Raffles Town Club, Singapore



Ee-Ling Low and Oon-Seng Tan

Attendees (In-person and Online)

Lorin Anderson (President)

Nick Burbules (Online)

Maria de Ibarrola (Online)

Kadriye Ercikan (President-Elect) (Online)

Isak Froumin

Rick Hanushek

David Kumar (Online)

Beatrice Ligorio

Ee-Ling Low

Alejandra Mizala

Andrey Podolskiy

Servaas van de Berg

Oon-Seng Tan

Yuko Tarumi

Olga Troitschanskaia

Doug Willms

Ludger Woessman

Bereavements Since Last Meeting

Sigrid Biomeke, Beno Csapo, Albert Tuijnman, Herb Walberg

Noteworthy Decisions and Activities

  • The General Assembly meeting began on Thursday with an overview of education in Singapore, presented by Ee-Ling Low and Oon-Seng Tan
  • After lunch there were sessions on Educating Migrants and Immigrants, Lifelong Learning, and Artificial Intelligence and Education. These sessions took the form of a brief presentation by a moderator followed by open discussion among all participants.
  • On Friday, there was a symposium sponsored jointly by the Academy and the Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS). Every Academy Fellow had been assigned to a panel and made a brief presentation to an audience of approximately 100 Singaporean educators.
  • On Friday evening, Fellows attended a welcoming dinner hosted by the Director of Singapore’s National Institute of Education (NIE), Professor Liu Woon Chia.
  • Saturday morning the Academy business meeting was held followed by a discussion of the future of the Academy. The meeting began with a moment of silence for those who passed away since the General Assembly in Berlin. During the meeting the presidency was transferred from Lorin Anderson to Kadriye Ercikan. Also, Gustavo Fischman was appointed as the Chair of the Selection Committee and Ee-Ling Low was elected President-Elect.
  • A decision concerning the host and location of the 2026 General Assembly was delayed because of the relatively small number of attendees at the business meeting. There are two possible locations and hosts: Harvard University (Fernando Reimers) and the University of Bari, Italy (Beatrice Ligorio). Ballots will be sent to the entire membership of the Academy and the location/host receiving the most votes will be chosen.
  • Saturday afternoon there was a tour of Singapore’s National Institute of Education. Fellows were impressed by the modernity of the NIE.


© The Learning Bar 2015