Adrienne Alton–Lee

Adrienne Alton-Lee, Chief Education Adviser
Adrienne Alton-Lee
Chief Advisor Evidence Synthesis
New Zealand Ministry of Education

Research Interest

The collaborative generation, dissemination and use of syntheses of evidence about what works and why to strengthen the evidence-base informing policy, research and practice in education. Her current focus is on the role of systemic research and development as a catalyst for transformation in education.


Chief Advisor Evidence Synthesis


Understanding learning and teaching : an investigation of pupil experience of content in relation to immediate and long-term learning (University of Canterbury, 1984)


Alton-Lee, A. (2007). The Iterative Best Evidence Synthesis Programme, New Zealand. In Evidence in education: Linking research and policy. Paris: Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, OECD.

Alton-Lee, A. (2003). Quality teaching for diverse students in schooling: Best evidence synthesis. Wellington: Ministry of Education.

Alton-Lee, A.G., & Nuthall, G.A., with Patrick, J. (1995). In G. Capella Noya, K. Geismar & G. Nicoleau (Eds.). Shifting histories: Transforming Education for Social Change. Reframing classroom research: A lesson from the private world of children. Cambridge, MA,: Harvard Educational Review. Reprint series No. 26.

Contact Information

Iterative Best Evidence Synthesis Programme
Strategy and System Performance
Ministry of Education
PO Box 1666
New Zealand
Phone 64 04 463 8327
Mobile 64 21 624 997

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